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Owning your retirement

You've been working 40, maybe 50 years and isn't that something? Your gold watch is on the horizon and all going well you've got 20-40 years to do whatever you please. Daunted or excited? Either way, I know that you have a whole lot of living left to do.

If you're worried how you'll keep busy, continue to feel valued and contribute in a meaningful way - you need a plan and some goals to keep you from slipping into obscurity, boredom or poor health. You may or may not have family and friends around you but they have their routine and you'll need one too. Without it you face all sorts of risks including loneliness and dementia.

The clever scientists have proven that by keeping your mind active, in both social and mental capacities, you can avoid such debilitating scenarios. So when you find yourself wondering what to do next, take the next step and come to First Step where you'll find a friendly coach who will help you with plans, goals and guide you towards not only achieving them but enjoying the process and your life, both now and into the future.

I have a pragmatic, results driven and fun approach to coaching which I know you'll really enjoy. It means a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat once a week with someone who'll keep you on your toes, focussed and loving life!

If you don't need me straight away, pop my details on your fridge for when you've climbed Machu Picchu, completed every Sudoku puzzle, read every novel and finished writing your own book. I'll be waiting to help you, you can contact me right here.

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